Since I don't keep a journal, I thought this might be a fun attempt to record the goings on in the Carroll Family, more for my benefit than anyone elses. My memory seems to be fading more the older I get. I really have the best family in the whole world, as you will see.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

MY SECOND POST (October - November)

Well, not much has happened since my last post. Take that back! Layne's moved to California (Fresno) against my wishes. It's like sending a son on a mission again except I don't know if he'll ever come back. I sure don't hear much from him (hint, hint, Layne!) he must be having a good time. He moved there with four of his good friends and they rent a really cute house with a pool. He may never come home.
I'm back to driving the blue van, you didn't think it was still alive, did you? Actually, Layne didn't think it would make it to California, neither did we. Brett's car died right after Layne left and needs a new engine. So we're revamping the van and Brett has my car, something seems wrong with this picture. I don't think old blue will ever go away!!!
Brett's trying to get back into school, he wants to go into digital media, I think he may have found something he really has a passion for. His friend Jared (just back from his mission) is moving in with him, he's the drummer from their old band, (my friend Cindy's son). I'm sure they'll have some fun times together. They're already trying to find a place to set up the drums and electric guitars.
The other boys are doing great, Cory and Kim have a cute blog so I'm not posting many pictures of the grandkids, look on hers. They are in Denver right now (Cory had some schooling to go to and Kim went along, they got to go to the college football game). LaMar and I have been tending Walker and Meg. They're so fun.
Kurt & Shay just got back from a week at Disneyland with friends, he works at an accounting firm in SLC and Shay works for a dentist in Orem.
Justin works for a computer company (NYC based) at home with two cute cute boys (Kayden and Brody) Mary works part time at the hospital. We miss not seeing them more often. Justin really likes being home and able to spend so much time with them. The drive from Eagle Mtn. is sometimes almost impossible so he's really happy not to have to travel to work.
Hopefully, we'll soon have some more family pictures to post. We had some done for mom & dad's 60 wedding anniversary.
Your up to date on the Carroll Clan, it's sure fun finding family and friends blogging, keep it up.

Mom and Dad, don't they look great!!!