Since I don't keep a journal, I thought this might be a fun attempt to record the goings on in the Carroll Family, more for my benefit than anyone elses. My memory seems to be fading more the older I get. I really have the best family in the whole world, as you will see.


Friday, July 31, 2009


Wow, I finally got into the latest blogs from family and friends, looked at mine and realized it has been ages since I updated.
Tons of things have happened since my last blog. Our computer broke down (main reason), our camera broke (no pictures to share), and finally I'm a terrible procrastinator. I remember my Cavettes (drill team in high school) instructor told me I was always a day late and a dollar short. Obviously it traumatized me but didn't change me at all.

We went back to Oceanside, CA. That has to be my favorite place in the whole world.
Our first stop was Las Vagas, I love the Balgio, the inside gardens are to die for and the water fountain show is unbelievable, we sat and watched till Brett was sick of it and headed back to the motel. We had to wait and see if ROCK CONTEST PARTY ON was still one of the shows. The rock contest started when we were there years ago. We loved the music being played but couldn't understand the words. One of the great opera singers (I can't remember his name) was singing in french I think. Kurt said he was singing Rock Contest Party On and we've called it that ever since. (If you know who and what the song really says let me know) it really does sound like that. We decided to stay for one more show and Yea! they played it. Oh, I almost forgot, I talked LaMar and Brett to going to Phantom. Wow!!! says it all.
The ocean is so fun (especially to watch my boys, daughter-in-laws, and grand kids). It was a bit chilly and foggy at times but we decided to go anyway (Cory was scheduled for training in San Diego, which was cancelled, but we had made plans we couldn't change so we went anyway). Layne, who is living in Fresno, met up with us on the beach, it was so good to see him again. (I think he'll be moving back the end of Sept.) Yea!!!
We hit Disneyland again. I really wanted to ride the big kid rides this time. Poor LaMar, after only the first two rides, (space mountain and star tours) threw up in one of those covered garbage cans (I could have made a million on funniest home videos if I'd only had a picture). Bummer!!!

Just a quick update on the rest of the months.
Four-wheeling with Jerry & Ellen, and Terry& Lil. I really miss them. We met them years ago in Wyoming. It's tradition that we always spend new years with them, occasionally we'll vacation with them (Alaska cruise, Lake Powell, Park City) We miss not seeing more of them, but we all seem to be so busy with family and work that it just doesn't happen enough. (LOVE YOU GUYS)
A Saturday with Lynda and Dennis at the cabin, in Fairview canyon, finishing up some electrical (I even helped). It sure is beautiful up there, the wild flowers were gorgeous and the lakes were full of fishermen and fisherwomen, it surprised me how many women were fishing with no men around.

Fourth of July. Great fun at the parade, cloggers entertaining in the park, traditional navajo tacos in the park, wipeout in the back yard (also called a water party contest), and fire works at the rodeo grounds.
I've been working alot. We're all getting a bit older and forgetting alot and goofing up alot more. Michelle decided to start a Scarecrow Club, our motto is (IF I ONLY HAD A BRAIN) to be repeated at the first of every club. The problem is we can't remember when we said we were going to start it. Two of my friends at Zions are going through some tough times. Michelle was diagnosed with breast cancer and Julie broke her knee cap in half. I love you guys, get well soon!!!
Well, I guess I've told you all of my exciting times since the last post. Hopefully it won't take me quite as long to get on the stick this time. But don't forget, I'm always a day late and a dollar short.

I'm going to add a few more pix, but I can't find them on the new computer, so I decided to publish this anyway, otherwise I probably never would.

BIRTHDAYS SINCE MY LAST BLOG (wow, it really has been a long time)

KURT (April 23)

MARY (April 28)

DAD (May 29)


LAYNE (June 1)

BRODY (July 9)


Finlinson's said...

Well its about time!! You guys are always on the go and having fun. I miss ya!!

Lynda said...

I was just about to harrass you about not blogging then remembered your computer has been down. I'll forgive you this time. Now the ball is back in my court and I have a bunch to catch up on - even though I just did some.

Amanda M. said...

You sound like my mom with the broken computer excuse, he he. I didn't know you were a cavette too. I would always show people the picture of my mom on the walls of the school, I bet there is one there of you too. I guess I am going to have to go back and check it out. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL THE MISSED BIRTHDAYS! Keep posting aunt Jill, we love knowing what is going on with you and you fam.